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Adolescents demonstrate improvement in obesity risk behaviors after completion of Choice, Control and Change C3, a curriculum addressing personal agency and autonomous motivation. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 110, 1830 1839. Ollberding N. J. , Wolf R. L.

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Upon statistical analysis of the data, the researchers once again found that wage itself was the most reliable predictor of wage satisfaction but both internal and external comparisons were also highly important predictors of the variation in wage satisfaction Sweeney and McFarlin, 2005. During this study the construct of similarity was viewed based on similar and dissimilar occupations. The data for this study came from Economic incentives, values, and subjective wellbeing research project of the Survey Research Center of the Institute of Social Research, the University of Michigan 1975. The survey based data were collected using a multistage area probability sampling procedure where each data point came from someone who was at least 18 years old and employed. Like the first two studies the questions were scale based and represented perceptions about their wage and their relative satisfaction. As in the first two studies, the highest predictor of wage satisfaction was based on the income level itself and comparisons with both similar and dissimilar occupations predicted variability in wage satisfaction Sweeney and McFarlin, 2005.

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